Exploració OMADO (Objectes i materials docents) per autor "Romea, Pedro"

Exploració OMADO (Objectes i materials docents) per autor "Romea, Pedro"

Ordena per: Ordre: Resultats:

  • Romea, Pedro (2021-08-30)
    Document obsolet. Podeu consultar la nova versió al recurs relacionat.
  • Romea, Pedro (2021-08-30)
    Methods and Design in Organic Synthesis is a one-semester course of the Master in Organic Chemistry at the Universitat de Barcelona. This course introduces the basic concepts of retrosynthetic analysis and covers the most ...
  • Romea, Pedro (2021-08-30)
    Organic Synthesis is a one-semester course of the fourth year of the Chemistry Degree at the Universitat de Barcelona. This course covers the most important transformations in Organic Chemistry, including a short introduction ...

